Welcome back! It’s release week for A Game of Truth and Lies and as promised, I’m sharing more bonus content to celebrate! Today, let’s play a fun little game of Never Have I Ever with Prince Fynn and Princess Brynn, Gaellen’s royal twins!

Never have I ever read the last chapter of a book first.
Fynn: why would anyone do such a thing?
Brynn: to make sure the book is worth reading, of course.
Sharayah: I’ve never.
Never have I ever stolen anything.
Fynn: Never!
Brynn: Psh! You took Mother’s ring from the treasury that one time.
Fynn: Hey! Speak for yourself, Brynn. Plus, that was a family heirloom so technically it already belonged to me. And I didn’t keep it.
Brynn: *smiles smugly* I’ve never stolen anything.
Sharayah: Well, I must confess, I’ve stolen before. It was before I knew Jesus and lived without a conscience. Since giving my life to Christ, I’ve never stolen again.
Never have I ever lost a bet.
Brynn: True.
Fynn: *sighs* I can think of a few I’ve lost.
Sharayah: Yes, I’ve lost my share of bets.
Never have I ever bribed someone.
Fynn: I don’t see the need…
Brynn: Yeah, no.
Sharayah: I bribe my kids all the time.
Never have I ever broken a bone.
Fynn: Never. Even when I’m training, the soldiers aren’t allowed to risk my injury.
Brynn: I made you sprain your ankle once though. Remember when we played hide and seek and I found you—
Fynn: —but I said it didn’t count unless you could catch me.
Brynn: Yes, so I chased you through the castle and out to the front courtyard—
Fynn: —and I tripped down the step and sprained my ankle, yes. *shares a twin smile* but I still didn’t break a bone.
Brynn: Never broken one either.
Sharayah: Thankfully I’ve never broken a bone in my life. I blame it on my love of milk.
Never have I ever dog-eared the pages of a book.
Fynn: No. I use whatever I can find to mark my place.
Brynn: I have. It’s an easy way to save my spot.
Sharayah: I have. But I don’t do it often. Once, when I was younger, the librarian got onto me for dog-earring the books I borrowed. Never thought it was a problem until then. Now I’m more conscious of it because of that librarian. But if I literally can’t find anything else to mark my place, I’ll dog-ear.
Never have I ever lived alone.
Fynn: Never.
Brynn: I mean, technically I’ve never lived alone. But I have stayed alone in my own tent for multiple nights. What’s a home, really, but a place to rest your head at night? My home is my kingdom, and I find myself alone at times when I’m on the road.
Sharayah: I lived alone for a brief time before I got married. Maybe a year. It was short-lived.
Never have I ever told a lie.
Fynn: Honesty is a virtue I endeavor to uphold. But I’ll admit, I’ve been dishonest before.
Brynn: Same.
Sharayah: Yes.
Never have I ever cooked something.
Fynn: Nope. Never.
Brynn: Yes. Often.
Sharayah: At least three times a day.
Never have I ever slept outdoors.
Fynn: My first time sleeping outdoors was when I brought Alana to Gaellen.
Brynn: Yes. All the time. It comes with the job.
Sharayah: I used to love camping as a kid. Haven’t done it a lot as an adult because I’ve had babies. But I do want to start taking them camping now that they’re getting older. Just so long as the weather is nice.
Never have I ever been to Disneyland.
Fynn: what’s a Disneyland?
Brynn: It’s definitely not in Tanithor…right?
Sharayah: Ha! No, it’s not in Tanithor. I’ve been to Disneyland once when I was pregnant with my first child. I was in my third trimester and because I couldn’t be on my feet all day, I was allowed to have a wheel chair. It also enabled me to skip ahead to the front of all the lines…it was pretty awesome.
Never have I ever believed in ghosts.
Fynn: No.
Brynn: No.
Sharayah: I believe in spirits, but not ghosts.
Wasn’t that fun? I really love how different these two characters are even though they’re twins. You’ll get to know Brynn more in A Game of Truth and Lies, and I’m especially excited to share her story. There’s more bonus content coming, so stay tuned!